meet US

We're Alex and Breanne! While wrangling our four kiddos, we have a bad habit of  accidentally taking on WAY too many DIY projects :) Breanne loves to feed friends and fellowship around their kitchen table and Alex dreams of filling their 7 acres with every farm animal alive. Thanks for stopping in, we hope you find something fun and encouraging while you're here!

Little Boy Adventure Room!

Client Projects, Kids Rooms

Whew! What a fun project to come back to!

Little boys have a special place in my heart since we have two of them running around our house…and I love the challenge of making a space both functional for a little one and pleasing to the eye!

My client had already purchased fun bunk beds and sweet gingham bedding so she doesn’t needed some completing touches! My favorite item is the fun, vintage looking American flag… you won’t believe how much it is from good ol’ Walmart!

A soft rug, a big boy desk for a little guy that is in school now and storage for legos..what more could you want!

Hope you guys have a peacful, and joyful weekend!

xoxo – Breanne